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Journal Blog - 2023 RSS Feed

11 Mar Nominated: CREDO with Čopi & Kastelic & State Choir Latvija & Māris Sirmais
Astrum 0 499
ČOPI Ambrož & KASTELIC Matejon Hyperion's CD CREDOState Choir LatvijaMāris Sirmais (conductor)---------------------------ALBUM CREDO NOMINATED FOR GERMAN RECORD CRITICS’ AWARD !
Astrum 0 473
ConcertTine BECINTER STELLAE NATALIS / Christmas Star Journeya Christmas cantata for soloists, mixed choir and chamber ensembleFIRST PERFORMANCEAPZ France Prešeren KranjŠMID Erik, conductorDecember 19..
04 Dec CONCERT -  Ambrož ČOPI - 50 Years - in Ljubljana
Astrum 0 474
ConcertZA ABRAHAMA / FOR ABRAHAM *50 years - Ambrož ČopiZbor Slovenske filharmonije / Slovene Philharmonic ChoirConductor: AMBROŽ ČOPIDecember 3, 2023, at 7.30 p.m.Slovenska filharmonija, Ljubljana, S..
25 Nov CONCERT -  HORIZONS OF INFINITY - Jubilee concert season - 20 years of the MEGARON Chamber Choir
Astrum 0 559
Koncert / ConcertOBZORJA NESKONČNOSTI / HORIZONS OF INFINITYJubilejna koncertna sezona / Jubilee concert season20 let Komornega zbora MEGARON / 20 years of the MEGARON Chamber ChoirKomorni zbor MEGARO..
27 Sep CONCERT - Mixed Choir / Mešani zbor OBALA Koper & Plečnik a-cappella
Astrum 0 580
Mixed choir / Mešani pevski zbor OBALA KoperAndrej Makor, conductorPlečnik & a-cappella - 2. koncertWednesday, 27.IX.2023, at 8.30 p.m.Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica (atrium), Ljubljana, Slovenia..
Astrum 0 629
EUROPA CANTAT JUNIOR 2023, GentJuly 5-13, 2023BEC Tine: Izštevanke / Tongue Twisters (Two-part Counting-Out Rhymes)ESTULEZ Basilio Duque (Spain)BEC TineDVOGLASNE IZŠTEVANKE / TWO-PART COUNTING-OUT RHY..
01 Jul Slovene Children's Choir / Slovenski otroški zbor  (SOZ)  2023
Astrum 0 1097
Slovene Children's Choir / Slovenski otroški zbor 2023Tilen Bajec, pianoKRIŽNAR RISTIČ Neža, ŠTIFTAR Luka and ZUPANC KOVAČ Miha - assistants to the conductorMOČNIK Damijan, artistic director and condu..
26 Jun AVAILABLE SOON - Čopi & Kastelic on Hyperion CD Label
Astrum 0 862
ČOPI Ambrož & KASTELIC Matejon Hyperion's CD CREDOState Choir LatvijaMāris Sirmais (conductor)---------------------------Label: HyperionRecording details: September 2021St John's Church, Riga, LatviaP..
12 Jun REVIEW:  Damijan Močnik: PASSIO DOMINI NOSTRI IESU CHRISTI SECUNDUM IOANNEM - Symphonic Orchestra Version
Astrum 0 714
Damijan MočnikPASSIO DOMINI NOSTRI IESU CHRISTI SECUNDUM IOANNEM [2011-2021] Symphonic Orchestra Version (Full Score - Study Score in C)REVIEWS:
11 Jun CONCERT- VULC Tadeja : REQUIEM ZA PREDNIKE (Requiem for the Ancestors) in Ljubljana
Astrum 0 892
VULC TadejaRequiem za prednike / Requiem for the Ancestorsza solista, mešani zbor in komorni orkester / for two soloists, mixed choir and chamber orchestraNedelja / Sunday, 11.VI.2023, ob 20. uri / at..
31 May CHERUBIC HYMN by Klara Mlakar at the Internationale Chorbiennale Aachen
Astrum 0 622
Klara Mlakar CHERUBIC HYMNat the Internationale Chorbiennale Aachen Aachen, Nemčija/Germany June 22, 2023sung by the Aachener Kammerchor..
16 May CONCERT- Annual Concert of the RTV Slovenia Choirs : conductor Tomaž Pirnat Saying Goodbye
Astrum 0 346
ANNUAL CONCERT OF THE RADIO & TELEVISION SLOVENIA CHILDREN AND YOUTH CHOIRThe Slovene Philharmonics Marijan Kozina HallMay 16, 2023 at 6.00 p.m.Anka Jazbec, conductorTomaž Pirnat, conductorKlemen Goln..
Showing 1 to 12 of 20 (2 Pages)