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Anniversaries RSS Feed

09 Dec CONCERT : TIMELESSNESS - Hommage à Pavle Merku
Astrum 0 69
PAVLE MERKÙ : BREZČASNOST / TIMELESSNESSHommage à Pavle MerkùConcert on the 10th anniversary of his deathMonday, December 9, 2024, at 8.00 p.m.Hall / Sala Luttazzi, Trieste, Italy..
04 Dec ANNIVERSARY - Janko BAN - 80 years
Astrum 0 67
Janko BAN - 80 yearsJanko Ban, musician, choir conductor, publicist, cultural worker, * December 4, 1944, Trst/Trieste, Italija/ItalyMORE: Ne profesionalec ne amater : Janko Ban ob prejemu srebrne pla..
27 Oct CONCERT- 80 years : Men's Chorus Srečko Kosovel Ajdovščina, Slovenia with Andrej Makor
Astrum 0 24
80 years : Men's Chorus Srečko Kosovel Ajdovščina, Slovenia with Andrej MakorLog pri Vipavi, SloveniaCerkev Marije Tolažnice ŽalostnihOctober 27, 2024, at 7 p.m.Moški zbor Srečko Kosovel Ajdovščina / ..
Astrum 0 180
Schmidl Monday’s / I lunedì dello Schmidl / Schmidlovi ponedeljkiHOMAGE TO PAVLE MERKÙ ON THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF HIS DEATHOctober 7, 2024 at 5.30 p.m.Civico Museo Teatrale “Carlo Schmidl”Palazzo Gop..
16 Jun CONCERT - Chamber Choir MEGARON - 20 years - Based on Memories
Astrum 0 147
ConcertNa temeljih spominov / Based on MemoriesJubilee concert20 years of the MEGARON Chamber ChoirKomorni zbor / Chamber Choir MEGARONConductor DAMIJAN MOCNIKJune 16, 2024, at 7:30 p.m.Slovenska filh..
09 Jun CONCERT - 20 years : University of Primorska Academic Choir
Astrum 0 361
20th Anniversary ConcertAkademski pevski zbor Univerze na Primorskem / University of Primorska Academic ChoirČOPI Ambrož, conductor and artistic directorTOMAŽIČ HRVATIN Andreja, assistant conductorKOS..
12 May CONCERT- Festive concert on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the reopening of the St. Stanislav's Institution
Astrum 0 185
Festive concert on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the reopening of the St. Stanislav's InstitutionSunday, May 12, 2024, at 3. and at 6. p.m.The Cankar Centre Gallus Hall, Ljubljana, SloveniaM..
22 Apr CONCERT - Alfred Schnittke & Chamber Choir MEGARON with Damijan Močnik
Astrum 0 461
ConcertAlfred Schnittke: CONCERTO FOR MIXED CHORUS (1984-85)First Performance of a Slovene choirJubilee concert season20 years of the MEGARON Chamber ChoirKomorni zbor / Chamber Choir MEGARONConductor..
06 Jan CONCERT - Damijan MOČNIK: CHRISTMAS ORATORIO (2023) : Zbor sv. Nikolaja Litija : 25-years
Astrum 0 735
BOŽIČNI ORATORIJ (Christmas Oratorio), 2023by MOČNIK Damijanfor soprano and tenor soloist, mixed choir with string orchestra, double wind quartet, percussion and harpFirst setting of christmas oratori..
04 Dec CONCERT -  Ambrož ČOPI - 50 Years - in Ljubljana
Astrum 0 474
ConcertZA ABRAHAMA / FOR ABRAHAM *50 years - Ambrož ČopiZbor Slovenske filharmonije / Slovene Philharmonic ChoirConductor: AMBROŽ ČOPIDecember 3, 2023, at 7.30 p.m.Slovenska filharmonija, Ljubljana, S..
25 Nov CONCERT -  HORIZONS OF INFINITY - Jubilee concert season - 20 years of the MEGARON Chamber Choir
Astrum 0 559
Koncert / ConcertOBZORJA NESKONČNOSTI / HORIZONS OF INFINITYJubilejna koncertna sezona / Jubilee concert season20 let Komornega zbora MEGARON / 20 years of the MEGARON Chamber ChoirKomorni zbor MEGARO..
Astrum 0 385
Saturday, March 25, 2023, at 8 p.m. atCONCERT OF COMPOSITIONSon the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the composer Ambrož Čopiand award ceremony for composers competitionBefore the concert, at 18:30..
Showing 1 to 12 of 15 (2 Pages)