PDF or Printed ?

ASTRUM Music Publications is a printed sheet-music publisher but allows (as of 2014 and later) postal & digital delivery of our published music (mainly choral scores, big Full Scores & Instrumental Parts might be excluded from that).
There are two possibilities for ordering & sending the music:
With each order we send you a person-generated proforma (automatically-generated ones from our web-store are for your orientation purposes only).
Bank(wire) payments are allowed and accepted for EU (European Community)+ countries (see map below, blue, and light blue countries), credit card payments are allowed for out-of EU coutries, sending info via this form (https://www.astrum.si/pdf/200315_CreditCardPaymentForm_E.pdf) or in more e-mails (to info@astrum.si) to secure your data if desired.
No PayPal or similar.
PLEASE DO NOT try to make payments of your own: do not pay via payment possibilities of your own choice. Payment options are within this info-sheet described and only those described will be accepted by ASTRUM. Payee can not be from country A, receiver from coutry B. This latter would be a tax-breaking offence as there are different taxations processes around the world.
Map of Printed-Scores-Postal-Delivery-only - with ASTRUM Music Publications (European Union (dark blue) + Iceland, Luxemburg, Norway, Switzerland, United Kingdom (light blue).
Postal services in Europe are reliable and we all can be pretty/quite much sure that printed music will arrive within a decent time frame (ca. 3-5 working days (Middle Europe) but up to 2-3 weeks (USA and World).
As out-of-Europe postal deliveries are not so reliable - depending on territory - so we allow both, postal or digital delivery of our published music.
- no postage & shipping costs,
- you print the score,
- 80% of listed price,
- 5,00 EUR handling fee per one title,
– for overseas, out-of-Europe customers only,
- please add a choir name & address to be engraved on the licensed PDFs,
- we ship PDF licenses in numbers for the entire choir (And yes, we check image material how many singers are there in your choir (please quote realistic, fair numbers, do not write the ordered quantity is for a smaller number of singers within your choir, or similar. Please believe, we have read pretty much all the "excuses" how to order music in smaller quantities). Orders with non-realistic ordered quantities, will - after checking your choir singer's numbers - not be accepted.
PLEASE ADJUST THE NUMBER OF PREVIOUSLY ORDERED QUANTITY TO A REALISTIC ONE (not only 20 copies minimum if your choir has more than 20 singers).
1. We suggest that the customer orders the compositions on time. In principle, we send PDF licenses once a week - on Mondays.
So if you order on time, as planned - you will not be pressed for time and you will receive the ordered PDF licenses on time.
2. More and more clients are appearing who want to have a PDF license immediately, in the next minute. In order to check the ordered quantities and avoid illegal reproduction, ASTRUM Music Publications prepares invoices for customers in a non-generated and non-automated manner: each one individually - after reviewing the elements of the order and checking choir members quantities.
Therefore, you do not receive a proforma immediately, in the next moment after your order was placed. In their impatience, customers create additional pressure, and also confusion, by:
- re-ordering the same item,
- with messages and repeating what has already been said on other channels of the publisher, such as YouTube, Facebook, Messenger, and the like,
- with messages to the authors of the compositions that they did not receive the ordered item,
- with messages and requests for a response during holidays, weekends, on Saturday and Sunday, expecting an immediate response,
- by including additional people in the re-ordering of the same item for one and the same customer (we had a maximum of 4 different people in a few days-time who ordered the same sheet music for one and the same choir),
All of the above and other forms of repeated messages will only make it more difficult to respond and extend the time in which you will receive the ordered sheet music.
Again: whoever uses the above methods of pressure and impatience - will only extend the delivery time for their PDF licenses.
The only business contact for orders is the publisher's e-mail: info@astrum.si.
Please also make sure that your e-box will accept our replies and that our e-messages do not end up in the "Spam" folder.
Therefore, we kindly ask all customers: plan and take your time when ordering sheet music, here or from other publishers. On this other side, we can't just wait for orders and respond in a second.
PRINTED SCORES POSTAL DELIVERY (a somewhat costier option)
- sent per REGISTERED AIRMAIL (postage & shipping costs),
- your tax & customs fees are your responsibility.
European Union & Rest of Europe: up to 0,50 kg: 10,00 EUR / up to 1,00 kg: 12,00 EUR / up to 2,00 kg: 15,00 EUR
U.S.A. & Canada, Rest of the World: up to 0,50 kg: 15,00 EUR / up to 1,00 kg: 18,00 EUR / up to 2,00 kg: 28,00 EUR
Service: Post of Slovenia / The price of postal cost is inclusive of applicable Value Added Tax (VAT) for EU customers / excluding tax for non-EU customers.
Tracking: http://sledenje.posta.si/Default.aspx?tn=ra130041369si&guid=23296CEC-0E1D&lang=en
Amended on July 29, 2024 & on February 19, 2025
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