MISSA AMORIS (MAŠA OF LOVE) for three-part high voices (SSA), strings à 5, piano, accordion and drum set music by: Ambrož Čopi (b. 1973) composed: 2023, this version: XII.2024 Text in Latin: Mass Ordinary Dedicated to my dearest wife Suzana Čopi Stanišić with love and gratitude  


Performed by: CHAMBER ORCHESTRA / KOMORNI ORKESTER CAMERATA ACADEMICA KOPER Piano: Lara Oprešnik Accordion: Teja Udovič Kovačič Percussion: Jaka Strajnar Violins 1: Timotej Willewaldt, Maša Stopar, Živa Kralj, Tina Božič Violins 2: Katja Dadič, Elizaveta Ilienko, Blaž Ribaljčenko, Matija Južnič Violas: Brina Podgajski, Domen Kunavar Violoncellos: Katarina Hrvatin, Mary Servatius Milanič Contrabass: Pia Rener UNIVERSITY OF PRIMORSKA ACADEMIC CHOIR / AKADEMSKI PEVSKI ZBOR UNIVERZE NA PRIMORSKEM (Conductor: Maja Cilenšek, Asistant Conductor: Barbara Barać) GIRLS' CHOIR OF THE MUSIC SCHOOL KOPER / DEKLIŠKI PEVSKI ZBOR GLASBENE ŠOLE KOPER (Conductor: Maja Cilenšek) Soloists: Mateja Peroša - Soprano Eva Majcen - Mezzosoprano Barbara Barač - Alto Conductor: SAMO VIDIC

Pokrajinski muzej, Koper 

Sunday, December 22, 2024; at 8.00 p.m.

MISSA AMORIS (Mass of Love) was composed in the spring of 2023, initially for women's choir and jazz trio. It premiered during a concert celebrating the 50th birthday of the composer, performed by the Koper Music School Girls' Choir under the direction of Maja Cilenšek. Later in the autumn of 2023, the composer created a version for mixed choir, which was performed in December with the Slovenian Philharmonic Choir during the composer’s author's evening.
As the third in a series of jazz masses, this composition represents a fusion of the composer’s distinct sound world with a variety of dance rhythms. Alongside swing and samba, tango—often referred to as the Dance of Love—emerges as the most prominent rhythm. The composer designed these masses to offer choirs a challenging yet inspiring experience, rekindling a sense of hope, love, and creativity in the aftermath of the pandemic.
Rooted in the understanding that faith is born from earthly experiences, this mass reflects a rebellion through its musical language. Dance, in this context, becomes a powerful expression of joy, harmony, and human connection. It evokes a sense of magic, releasing intimate and sincere emotions within us. Much like the Song of Songs, "Mass of Love" speaks to the depth of devotion and sincere love, whether for one’s fellow human beings or for God. Throughout history, people of various faiths have expressed their spirituality through dance.
The richness of harmonies, the sensuality, and the intimate connection with faith—along with the joyful energy conveyed through rhythmic diversity—are intended to resonate deeply with both singers and listeners, delivering a message that is heartfelt and authentic.
The composition is dedicated to the composer’s wife, Suzana Čopi Stanišić.