QUAGGIATO Patrick (January 25, 1983, Gorizia (Italy)), composer, educator, singer, conductor of choirs, and percussionist - at the age of eight began to learn piano playing with Professor Riccardo Radiv and later with Walter Sivilotti, and in parallel Professor Giorgio Fritsch led him the percussion course, always at the City Music School Istituto di Musica della Fondazione musicale “Città di Gorizia”, which awarded him a study award in the 1998/99 school year and another award for the best exam in 2003/04. He graduated from percussion and in November 2008 completed his studies of Vocal-Choir Composition and Choir Conducting at the Trieste Conservatory “G. Tartini”.
His oeuvre, which currently has 600 compositions, features commissions for ceremonial occasions: a cantata for mixed choir and orchestra on Paljk's text Podolgem in počez vlečejo te strune (At Long and Across They Pull These Strings), to commission by RAI's Trieste headquarters on 60th anniversary of Radio Trieste A and 10th anniversary of Slovenian Television, Gradnikova kantata (Gradnik's cantata) dedicated to the poet Alojz Gradnik from the Brda region on the 40th anniversary of his death. With ASTRUM Music Publications, among other things, he published a music play for soloists and a choir with the piano accompaniment O pravljici, ki je ni nihče povedal (On a fairy tale that no one told) (2014), with lyrics by Nataša Konc Lorenzutti, Two Sacred Choirs (2013) and Božični cikel (Christmas Cycle) (2008) for high voices and string orchestra.
His choral compositions have been published on CDs, in collections and in print in Italy, Slovenia and Austria, and for them he has received several important Slovenian national awards and thus became one of the Slovene distinguished composers. Quaggiato's songs were also performed by the RTV Slovenia Orchestra and the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra, traveled the world, and entered the repertoire of many choirs.