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Sveti večer "V daljavi zvonijo božični zvonovi" ( Holy Eve "Christmas bells ring in the distance") - SATBdiv, clarinet and piano

Sveti večer "V daljavi zvonijo božični zvonovi" ( Holy Eve "Christmas bells ring in the distance") - SATBdiv, clarinet and piano
Sveti večer "V daljavi zvonijo božični zvonovi" ( Holy Eve "Christmas bells ring in the distance") - SATBdiv, clarinet and piano
Sveti večer "V daljavi zvonijo božični zvonovi" ( Holy Eve "Christmas bells ring in the distance") - SATBdiv, clarinet and piano
Sveti večer "V daljavi zvonijo božični zvonovi" ( Holy Eve "Christmas bells ring in the distance") - SATBdiv, clarinet and piano
Sveti večer "V daljavi zvonijo božični zvonovi" ( Holy Eve "Christmas bells ring in the distance") - SATBdiv, clarinet and piano
Composer / Arranger: MAKOR Andrej
Text Author: TERČELJ Filip
Text Author - Detailed: from collection "Božji spevi" (God's Songs) [1929]
Detailed Scoring: for mixed choir (SATBdiv), clarinet and piano
Availability: Available in choral numbers only (one singer = one copy), please observe the required choral score minimum purchase numbers.
Date (and place) composed: Lenardi, 6.IX. 2018
Dedication: Heleni Fojkar Zupančič in Zboru sv. Nikolaja, Litija
First Performance: Zbor sv. Nikolaja Litija | Helena Fojkar Zupančič, conductor | Monika Fele, soprano | Duo Claripiano (Tatjana Kaučič, piano; Dušan Sodja, clarinet) | December 25, 2018 | Cerkev sv. Nikolaja, Litija
Cycle / Collection: Makor: Sveta noč (Silent Night) [2018]
From: No. 12 from the Christmas cantata "Sveta noč" (Silent Night) [2018]
Product Type: Choral Score
All Choral Settings - YouTube (Sheet Music + Sound)
1. Sveta noč (Holy Night) - YouTube (Sheet Music + Sound)
2. Božičnica I (Christmas Song) - YouTube (Sheet Music + Sound)
3. Božičnica II (Christmas Song II) - YouTube (Sheet Music + Sound)
4. Učlovečenje (Incarnation) - YouTube (Sheet Music + Sound)
5. Balada o božični noči (Ballad about Christmas Night) - YouTube (Sheet Music + Sound)
6. Božič v tujini (Christmas Abroad) - YouTube (Sheet Music + Sound)
7. Božič na kraškem bregu (Christmas on the Karst Shore) - YouTube (Sheet Music + Sound)
8. Noč je črna (The Night is Black) - YouTube (Sheet Music + Sound)
9. Božično okno (Christmas Window) - YouTube (Sheet Music + Sound)
10. Božična noč (Christmas Night) - YouTube (Sheet Music + Sound)
11. Sveta noč (Holy Night) - YouTube (Sheet Music + Sound)
12. Sveti večer (Holy Eve) - YouTube (Sheet Music + Sound)
Sveta noč (Holy Night) - YouTube (Sheet Music + Sound)
Full Score (AS 38.060/01) - Perusal PDF           Info
Choral Score (AS 38.060/10) - Perusal PDF       Info
Full Set of Instrumental Parts (AS 38.060/20) - Perusal PDF       Info
Clarinet Part (AS 38.060/51) - Perusal PDF       Info
Piano Part (AS 38.060/91) - Perusal PDF        Info
1. Sveta noč (Holy Night) - Perusal PDF (Choral Score)        Info
2. Božičnica I (Christmas Song I) - Perusal PDF (Choral Score)       Info
3. Božičnica II (Christmas Song II) - Perusal PDF (Choral Score)       Info
4. Učlovečenje (Incarnation) - Perusal PDF (Choral Score)       Info
5. Balada o božični noči (Ballad about Christmas Night) - Perusal PDF (Choral Score)      Info
6. Božič v tujini (Christmas Abroad) - Perusal PDF (Choral Score)      Info
7. Božič na kraškem bregu (Christmas on the Karst Shore) - Perusal PDF (Choral Score)       Info
8. Noč je črna (The Night is Black) - Perusal PDF (Choral Score)       Info
9. Božično okno (Christmas Window) - Perusal PDF (Choral Score)       Info
10. Božična noč (Christmas Night) - Perusal PDF (Choral Score)       Info
11. Sveta noč (Holy Night) - Perusal PDF (Choral Score)       Info
12. Sveti večer (Holy Eve) - Perusal PDF (Choral Score)       Info
Sveta noč (Holy Night) - Perusal PDF (Choral Score)       Info
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Ex Tax: 1.90€
20 or more 2.00€
25 or more 1.90€
50 or more 1.81€
  • Model: AS 38.060/1012
  • Weight: 23.45g
  • MPN: HFZCS 022
  • ISMN: M 979-0-709065-41-7
This product has a minimum quantity of 20