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NOTNA MAPA ZA ŠOLSKE ZBORE (# 102) - (Teacher's magazine) - in preparation

NOTNA MAPA ZA ŠOLSKE ZBORE (# 102) - (Teacher's magazine) - in preparation
Composer / Arranger: various composers
Text Author: various poets
Detailed Scoring: one to four part compositions (also divisi) for high voices, a cappella and accompanied
Series, Collection: NOTNA MAPA ZA ŠOLSKE ZBORE [Music Folder for School Choirs]
Product Type: Serial Publication
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NOTNA MAPA ZA ŠOLSKE ZBORE (Music Folder for School Choirs) # 102

The magazine is published four times a year and is published in Slovene language. The first issue was published in the 1997/1998 school year and the magazine is currently (as of 2024) in its 26th year of publishing.

CONTENTS - Issue 102 (AS 02.102/99):
Ledene zimske sapice [Icy Winter Breezes]
lyrics: Anja Štefan
music: Tadeja Vulc
for unison children voice(s) with piano accompaniment
The Holly and the Ivy / Bodika med bršljanom
English lyrics: English Carol [THE HOLLY AND THE IVY] /
Slovene translation: Vito Primožič / 
tune: English Carol, arranged by Cecil J. Sharp
for unison voice(s) with piano accompaniment
Villancico vasco / Baskovska kolednica [Basque Carol]
lyrics in Basque language (euskara): Basque Carol [ATOR, ATOR MUTIL ETXERA] / 
Slovene translation: Noel Novak /
Basque Carol, arranged by: Joaquín Nin y Castellanos 
for unison voice(s) with piano accompaniment
Ščedryk / Щедрик  /  Ščedrik / V noč koleduj [The Little Swallow (Carol of the Bells) / Carolling into the Night]
lyrics in Ukrainian: Ukrainian folk-song [ЩЕДРИК], 
Slovene translation: Marija Jesenovec / 
Ukrainian folk-song, arranged by Mikola Dmitrovič Leontovič
for unison voice(s) with piano accompaniment
Dve iz Istre [Two from Istria]
I. Sen jo vido / II. Kolacion [I. I Saw Her / II. A Snack]
Istrian Folk-songs fom St Peter / Sv. Peter in Istria,
arranged by Andrej Makor
for unison voice(s) with clarinet and piano accompaniment
... sanje naj te vodijo [... Let Your Dreams Guide You]
[Sing a Song]
lyrics and music: Ambrož Čopi
for two equal high voices (SA) with ad libitum piano accompaniment
Ena ptička priletela [One Bird Flew In]
Slovene folk-song
arranged by Črt Sojar Voglar
for three high voices (SSA) with piano accompaniment
Žitni klas [An Ear of Corn]
lyrics and music: Pavel Dolenc 
for three high voices (SSA) with piano accompaniment
Ptice [Birds]
lyrics: Tone Pavček
music: Andrej Makor 
for three high voices (SSA) with piano accompaniment

PURPOSEPublishing choir literature for the second and third triads of elementary school and high school (gymnasium, middle-school) youth choirs.
Publishing a more demanding one to four voiced compositions (also divisi) for high voices, a cappella and accompanied.
PUBLISHERASTRUM d.o.o., glasbena založba / ASTRUM Music Publications, Cankarjeva 7, SI-4290 Tržič, SLOVENIA.
P: +386 (04) 59 25 800 ·  F: +386 (04) 59 25 801 ·  E:  ·  W:
EDITOR IN CHIEFVito PrimožičMusic Editor, ASTRUM Music Publications

Ex Tax: 18.05€
  • Model: AS 02.102/99
  • Weight: 120.00g
  • ISBN: 1408-6425 [102]