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NOTNA MAPA ZA ŠOLSKE ZBORE (# 101) - (Teacher's magazine) - in preparation

NOTNA MAPA ZA ŠOLSKE ZBORE (# 101) - (Teacher's magazine) - in preparation
Composer / Arranger: various composers
Text Author: various poets
Detailed Scoring: one to four part compositions (also divisi) for high voices, a cappella and accompanied
Series, Collection: NOTNA MAPA ZA ŠOLSKE ZBORE [Music Folder for School Choirs]
Product Type: Serial Publication
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NOTNA MAPA ZA ŠOLSKE ZBORE (Music Folder for School Choirs) # 101

The magazine is published four times a year and is published in Slovene language. The first issue was published in the 1997/1998 school year and the magazine is currently (as of 2019) in its 22nd year of publishing.

CONTENTS - Issue 101 (AS 02.101/99):
Nesem vám noviny / Radost prinašam vam (Come, All Ye Shepherds)
melody & lyrics: old Czech Christmas Carol [NESEM VÁM NOVINY], arranged by: Arnošt Kraus;
Slovene translation: Vito Primožič
for unison voice(s) with piano accompaniment
Kako raste leto (As the Year Grows)
music: Damijan Močnik;
lyrics in Slovene: Bina Štampe Žmavc
for unison voice(s) with piano accompaniment
Es gingen zwei Gespielen gut / Sta dve dekleti sami šli (Two Comely Maidens)
German Folksong, arranged by: Arnold Schoenberg 
Slovene translation: Marija Jesenovec
for unison voice(s) with piano accompaniment
Winter Wonderland / Zimska pravljica
music: Felix William Bernard;
lyrics in English:  Richard Bernhard Smith, Slovene translation: Noel Novak
for unison voice(s) with piano accompaniment
Available in Slovenia only (70 years PD).
Pridi, Gorenj’c (Come, White Carniolan)
popularized art song, music and lyrics: Blaž Potočnik 
arranged by: Pavel Kozina
for two equal high voices (SA) without accompaniment
Kommet, ihr Hirten / Come, All Ye Shepherds
melody and lyrics: old Czech Christmas Carol [NESEM VÁM NOVINY], arranged by: anonimus;
German translation: Karl Riedel, English translation: Mari Ruef Hofer
for two-voice children's choir (SA) with piano accampaniment
Nesem vám noviny / Radost prinašam vam (Come All Ye Shepherds)
melody and lyrics: old Czech Christmas Carol [NESEM VÁM NOVINY], arranged by: anonimus;
Slovene translation: Vito Primožič;
for two equal high voices (SA) with piano accompaniment
Zarja (Dawn)
Tri slovenske ljudske pesmi o zarji (Three Slovene Folk Songs on Dawn)
music: Damijan Močnik – based on traditional Slovene folk song motives
for 6-part youth high voices (SSSAAA) without accompaniment
O ignis Spiritus Paracliti (O fire of the Spirit and Defender)
No. 1 from the cycle "Caritas abundat in omnia" (Love Abounds in Everything)
music by: Damijan Močnik; Text in Latin by: Hildegard of Bingen
for 3-part high voices (SSA) and medieval drum
Kako raste leto (As the Year Grows)
music by: Damijan Močnik; Lyrics in Slovene by: Bina Štampe Žmavc
for three high voices (SSA) with piano accompaniment
Kambr'ca (A Small Room)
Slovene Folk Song from Barkovlje (Trieste, Italy)
arranged by Andrej Makor
No. 14 from the cycle: Osöjskice, brlöškice
for three part youth high voices (SSA) with piano accompaniment

PURPOSEPublishing choir literature for the second and third triads of elementary school and high school (gymnasium, middle-school) youth choirs.
Publishing a more demanding one to four voiced compositions (also divisi) for high voices, a cappella and accompanied.
PUBLISHERASTRUM d.o.o., glasbena založba / ASTRUM Music Publications, Cankarjeva 7, SI-4290 Tržič, SLOVENIA.
P: +386 (04) 59 25 800 ·  F: +386 (04) 59 25 801 ·  E:  ·  W:
EDITOR IN CHIEFVito PrimožičMusic Editor, ASTRUM Music Publications

Ex Tax: 18.05€
  • Model: AS 02.101/99
  • Weight: 120.00g
  • ISBN: 1408-6425 [101]