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NOTNA MAPA ZA ŠOLSKE ZBORE (# 91) - (Teacher's magazine)

NOTNA MAPA ZA ŠOLSKE ZBORE (# 91) - (Teacher's magazine)
Composer / Arranger: various composers
Text Author: various poets
Detailed Scoring: one to four part compositions (also divisi) for high voices, a cappella and accompanied
Series, Collection: NOTNA MAPA ZA ŠOLSKE ZBORE [Music Folder for School Choirs]
Product Type: Serial Publication
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NOTNA MAPA ZA ŠOLSKE ZBORE (Music Folder for School Choirs) # 91

The magazine is published four times a year and is published in Slovene language. The first issue was published in the 1997/1998 school year and the magazine is currently (as of 2019) in its 22nd year of publishing.

CONTENTS - Issue 91 (AS 02.091/99):
Božično novoletno voščilo (Christmas & New Year Greetings)
music by Anton J. Kropivšek /
text: international Christmas and New Year Wishes
for one-part children's voices with piano accompaniment
Go Tell It On the Mountains
(Christmas) negro spiritual /
arranged by: Harvey Bartlett Gaul
for one-part (children's) voices with piano accompaniment
Mi smo prišli k vaši hiši (We Came to Your House)
Christmas Carol from (South) Styria (Štajersko, Slovenia)
(Velka in Slovenske gorice, Štajersko, Slovenia)
for one-part (children's) voices without accompaniment
Aj baj kome staj
music by Tine Bec 
lyrics: Counting-out Rhyme (Slovenia)
for two-part (children's) voices (SA) with piano accompaniment
Mi smo prišli k vaši hiši (We Came to Your House)
Christmas Carol from (South) Styria (Štajersko, Slovenia)
(Velka in Slovenske gorice, Štajersko, Slovenia)
for two-part (children's) voices (SA) with piano accompaniment
Božji volek (Ladybird)
No. 1 from: Pesem, polna hrepenenja / A Song Full of Longing
music by Benjamin Ipavec / arranged by Andrej Makor /
lyrics: Oton Župančič
for three high equal voices (SSA) with piano accompaniment
Na poljani
No. 2 from: Pesem, polna hrepenenja / A Song Full of Longing
music by Benjamin Ipavec / arranged by Andrej Makor /
lyrics: Oton Župančič
for three high equal voices (SSA) with piano accompaniment
No. 3 from: Pesem, polna hrepenenja / A Song Full of Longing
music by Benjamin Ipavec / arranged by Andrej Makor /
lyrics: Lovro Toman
for three high equal voices (SSA) with piano accompaniment
Če na poljane rosa pade
No. 4 from: Pesem, polna hrepenenja / A Song Full of Longing
music by Benjamin Ipavec / arranged by Andrej Makor /
lyrics: Josip Murn Aleksandrov
for three high equal voices (SSA) with piano accompaniment
PURPOSEPublishing choir literature for the second and third triads of elementary school and high school (gymnasium, middle-school) youth choirs.
Publishing a more demanding one to four voiced compositions (also divisi) for high voices, a cappella and accompanied.
PUBLISHERASTRUM d.o.o., glasbena založba / ASTRUM Music Publications, Cankarjeva 7, SI-4290 Tržič, SLOVENIA.
P: +386 (04) 59 25 800 ·  F: +386 (04) 59 25 801 ·  E:  ·  W:
EDITOR IN CHIEFVito PrimožičMusic Editor, ASTRUM Music Publications

Ex Tax: 18.05€
  • Model: AS 02.091/99
  • Weight: 120.00g
  • ISBN: 1408-6425 [91]