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Journal Blog - Zbor sv. Nikolaja Litija RSS Feed

25 Dec CONCERT - BOŽIČNA NOČ, KAKO SI LEPA (O Christmas Night, How Beautiful Art Thou) : Zbor sv. Nikolaja Litija / St. Nicholas Choir Litija & Helena Fojkar Zupančič
Astrum 0 66
BOŽIČNA NOČ, KAKO SI LEPA (O Christmas Night, How Beautiful Art Thou)Zbor sv. Nikolaja Litija / St. Nicholas Choir Litija, SloveniaBAJEC Tilen, organ & pianoATANASOV Adam, clarinetFOJKAR ZUPANČIČ Hele..
31 May CONCERT & WORKSHOP - Māris Sirmais  &  Zbor sv. Nikolaja Litija
Astrum 0 296
Māris Sirmais, conductor (Latvia)Zbor sv. Nikolaja Litija / St. Nicholas Choir Litija, SloveniaHelena Fojkar Zupančič, conductorINTERVIEW:  31.V.2024, 1:30 p.m.WORKSHOP:  1.VI.2024, 9:30 a.m.CONCERT: ..
06 Jan CONCERT - Damijan MOČNIK: CHRISTMAS ORATORIO (2023) : Zbor sv. Nikolaja Litija : 25-years
Astrum 0 752
BOŽIČNI ORATORIJ (Christmas Oratorio), 2023by MOČNIK Damijanfor soprano and tenor soloist, mixed choir with string orchestra, double wind quartet, percussion and harpFirst setting of christmas oratori..
25 Dec CONCERT - Slovene Christmas by Tomc and Carols by Gašperšič sung by St. Nicholas Choir
Astrum 0 327
SLOVENSKI BOŽIČ (The Slovene Christmas (cantata))by Matija Tomcfor soloists and mixed choir wit harmonium accompanimentChristmas, New-Year & Epiphany Carols in arrangements by Egi Gašperšič (b. 1936)Z..
30 Oct NEW - NIKOLAJEVE BOŽIČNE (Christmas Songs with St. Nicholas Choir)
Astrum 0 690
New Slovene Christmas Carols by Katarina Pustinek Rakar, Tine Bec and Črt Sojar VoglarNIKOLAJEVE BOŽIČNE (Christmas Songs with St. Nicholas Choir)for mixed voices (SATBdiv) a cappella and with organas..
10 Oct CONCERT - St. Nicholas Choir Litija : A Concert of Slovene Folk Songs Arrangements
Astrum 0 739
A Concert of Slovene Folk Songs ArrangementsZbor sv. Nikolaja Litija / St. Nicholas Choir Litija, SloveniaHelena Fojkar Zupančič, conductressSaturday, October 9, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. / Kulturni center Li..
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 (1 Pages)