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03 Jul Slovene Children's Choir / Slovenski otroški zbor  (SOZ)  2024
Astrum 0 126
Slovene Children's Choir / Slovenski otroški zbor 2024PIRNAT Blaž, pianoMOČNIK Irma, ŠTIFTAR Luka and ZUPANC KOVAČ Miha - assistants to the conductorMOČNIK Damijan, artistic director and conductor&Tor..
12 May CONCERT- Festive concert on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the reopening of the St. Stanislav's Institution
Astrum 0 188
Festive concert on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the reopening of the St. Stanislav's InstitutionSunday, May 12, 2024, at 3. and at 6. p.m.The Cankar Centre Gallus Hall, Ljubljana, SloveniaM..
01 Jul Slovene Children's Choir / Slovenski otroški zbor  (SOZ)  2023
Astrum 0 1116
Slovene Children's Choir / Slovenski otroški zbor 2023Tilen Bajec, pianoKRIŽNAR RISTIČ Neža, ŠTIFTAR Luka and ZUPANC KOVAČ Miha - assistants to the conductorMOČNIK Damijan, artistic director and condu..
13 Dec CONCERT- Amazing Grace Concert in the St. Stanislav Institution
Showing 1 to 4 of 4 (1 Pages)