ANNUAL CONCERT 2024Dekliški zbor sv. Stanislava Škofijske klasične gimnazije Ljubljana / St. Stanislav Girls’ Choir of the Diocesan Classical Gymnasium, Ljubljana, SloveniaPIRNAT Blaž, pianoFOJKAR ZUP..
Slovene Children's Choir / Slovenski otroški zbor 2024PIRNAT Blaž, pianoMOČNIK Irma, ŠTIFTAR Luka and ZUPANC KOVAČ Miha - assistants to the conductorMOČNIK Damijan, artistic director and conductor&Tor..
More about competition below and here:------------------- Below only in Slovene: Please use Google Translate or similar to translate into language of yours: -------------------Zapišimo nekaj o novitet..
Mixed choir / Mešani pevski zbor OBALA KoperAndrej Makor, conductorPlečnik & a-cappella - 2. koncertWednesday, 27.IX.2023, at 8.30 p.m.Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica (atrium), Ljubljana, Slovenia..
Taipei International Choral Festival 2023July 28 - August 6, 2023KGBL Chamber ChoirAMBROŽ ČOPI, conductorCompositions performed in Taiwan & published by ASTRUM Music Publications:BEC Tine (1993): AVE ..
Choir & Organ (magazine) - Jul/Aug 21, pg. 19-22an article SLOVENIA IN SONG by C&Os Assistant Editor Matthew BerrySorry, no full-lenght page- & crystal-clear scans: the magazine is intended to be or..