Dr. Guy B. Webb (1932 – 2021)

ASTRUM Music Publications mourns the loss of choral conductor Dr. Guy Webb (1932-2021). He premiered or performed some published choral music by ASTRUM Music Publications.

Dr. Webb had a diploma from Julliard in voice, and multiple degrees including a doctorate in musical arts from the University of Illinois. He taught at the University of Florida, State University of New York, and New Mexico State before coming to Missouri State (MO), USA, where he was 34 years working as the choral director and beloved mentor for thousands of vocalists, choir directors, and music teachers.

Among others, Dr. Webb premiered with his Missouri State Concert Chorale, Missouri, ZDA Damijan Močnik's Praesagium in Richmond's First Baptist Church (Richmond, Missouri, USA) on January 8, 2006. Omong other compositions he performed were also Močnik's The Beatitudes , Adventum Spiritui Sancti and some W. Hawley's works.

Thank you, Dr. Webb for your artistry and friendship.

Requiem aeternam dona eis Domine.