KGBL Chamber Choir on Tour : TAIWAN Tour 2023 - Complete Edition - in preparation

KGBL Chamber Choir on Tour : TAIWAN Tour 2023 - Complete Edition - in preparation
Subtitles & Versions | |
Subtitle: | Christmas cantata for solo soprano, mixed choir (SATB div), clarinet and piano (on the poetry of Slovene poets and excerpts from the Bible's Old Testament) |
Consisting of: | 1. INTRODUCTION: Sveta noč (Holy Night) - in the canon | PART I / 2. I. Variation / 3. I. Choral / 4. 1. Sveta noč (Holy Night) / 5. 2. Božičnica I (Christmas Song I) / 6. 3. Božičnica II (Christmas Song II) / 7. 4. Učlovečenje (Incarnation) | PART II / 8. II. Variation / 9. II. Choral / 10. 5. Balada o božični noči (Ballad about Christmas Night) / 11. 6. Božič v tujini (Christmas Abroad) / 12. 7. Božič na kraškem bregu (Christmas on the Karst Shore) / 13. 8. Noč je črna (The Night is Black) | PART III / 14. III. Variation / 15. III. Choral / 16. 9. Božično okno (Christmas Window) / 17. 10. Božična noč (Christmas Night) / 18. 11. Sveta noč (Holy Night) / 19. 12. Sveti večer (Holy Eve) | 20. APPENDIX: Sveta noč (Holy Night) |
Music | |
Composer / Arranger: | MAKOR Andrej |
Text | |
Text Author: | various poets |
Scoring | |
Detailed Scoring: | for solo soprano, mixed choir (SATBdiv), clarinet and piano |
Composition | |
Date (and place) composed: | Lenardi, VII., VIII., XII. 2018 |
Dedication: | To Helena Fojkar Zupančič and the Zbor sv. Nikolaja Litija / St. Nicholas Choir, Litija on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Gruber's "Holy Night" |
First Performance: | Zbor sv. Nikolaja Litija / St. Nicholas Choir, Litija | Helena Fojkar Zupančič, conductor | Monika Fele, soprano | Duo Claripiano (Tatjana Kaučič, piano; Dušan Sodja, clarinet) | December 25, 2018 | Cerkev sv. Nikolaja, Litija / St. Nicholas Church, Litija, Slovenia |
Sale Options for this Publication: | Purchase of one copy: 29.95 EUR / If you order together with the performing material: 19.95 EUR |
Cycle / Collection: | various authors: KGBL Chamber Choir on Tour : TAIWAN Tour 2023 |
Songs – text & music source: | Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht (Silent Night, Holy Night) |
Temporary Purchase Restriction: | We do NOT currently supply this edition due to past proven practices of unauthorized reproduction from collections and similar editions. This music is only available in other editions that are ordered in sufficient quantities for all musicians participating. When ordering the latter editions, it is also possible to supply the present sheet music. The temporary purchase restriction applies until cancelled. |
Other | |
Remark: | Single Copy Purchase: 29,95 EUR / If Ordered Together with Performing Editions: 19,95 EUR |
Product Type: | Full Score |
Ex Tax: 28.52€
- Model: AS 32.005/01
- Weight: 245.00g
- ISMN: M 979-0-709073-19-1