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English Translation

Slovene Translation

Language / Notes

Ultra cineres hostium ira non superest Hatred should not be pursued beyond the grave / Hate should not be over the ashes of the dead / Wrath does not reach through the ashes of the enemy Preko pepela sovražnikov jeza ne seže / Onkraj pepela sovragov jeza premine / Sovraštvo naj ne sega prek pepela umrlih LAT / Javorca, spominska cerkev Svetega Duha / The Memorial Church of the Holy Spirit, Javorca, Slovenia (1934); križ ob breznu pod Macesnovo gorico (povojni poboji) / cross by the abyss below Macesnova gorica (post-war massacres), SLovenia / L'odio non sopravvivere alle ceneri dei nemici
Fabula acta est. Plaudite. The drama's over. Applaud. Kar se je zgodilo, je pravljica. Ploskajte. / Pravljica je končana, ploskajte. LAT / Augustus Caesar, prvi rimski cesar / first Roman emperor (19 August 14 AD), zadnje besede / last words
Se non è vero, è ben trovato. Even if it is not true, it is well conceived. / Even if it is not true, it is a good story. Če že ni res, je pa vsaj dobro izmišljeno. (David Movrin) Variant of Giordano Bruno's aphorism
Rara temporum felicitate, ubi sentire quae velis, et quae sentias dicere licet. It is the rare fortune of these days that one may think what one likes and say what one thinks. / It is the rare happiness of times when you may think what you wish and say what you think. V redki sreči časov, ko je dovoljeno misliti, kar hočeš, in kar misliš, tudi povedati. (David Movrin) Publius Tacitus (or Gaius Cornelius Tacitus; c. 56–after 117 AD), Histories (100-110), Book I, 1
Fallere nostra vetant et falli pondera. Meque pondero cum merces ponderat ipse Deus. Our weights do not permit cheating. When I measure goods, God measures with me. Z našimi utežmi ne moreš varati, niti biti prevaran, kadar tehtam blago, me tehta sam Bog An inscription on an arch (Sponza Palace (Croatian: Palača Sponza), 16th-century palace in Dubrovnik, Croatia)
Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro. Freedom is not to be sold for all the gold. Svobode se ne sme prodati za vse zlato sveta. A gate inscription (Fort Lovrijenac, Dubrovnik, Croatia)
Sedulo curavi, humanas actiones non ridere, non lugere, neque detestari, sed intelligere. I have laboured carefully, not to mock, lament, or execrate, but to understand human actions. Skrbno sem se trudil, da se ne bi norčeval, žalil ali se zgražal, ampak da bi razumel človeška dejanja. Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677), Tractatus Politicus (Chapter 1, Introduction; section 4)
Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani? My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Moj Bog, moj Bog, zakaj si me zapustil? ARC / Sv. pismo / Bible: Marko / Mark 15:34, Matej / Matthew 27:46
In hoC LoCo Mater Chrlstl InVenta stetlt.
The found Mother of Christ stood in this place. Na tem mestu je stala najdena Mati Kristusova. Sv. Višarje: Velike črke v napisu nam dado letnico MCCCLVIIIII = 1360. Tega leta so torej našli na kraju sedanje cerkve kip Marijin, ki stoji sedaj v glavnem oltarju kot milostna podoba. Ta letnica nam daja podatek o zgodovinskem postanku te božje poti. Koledar Goriške Mohorjeve družbe 1926
Dei voluntatem facere. To do the will of God. Božjo voljo spolnjevati. Episcopal Motto: Archbishop Alojzij Šuštar (1980.02.23 – 1997.03.05), Metropolitan Archbishop of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Hic jaceo terrae cinis, vitae meae nam est finis… 
Here lies earthly ashes blended, as my life on earth has ended…
Tu ležim kot prah zemljé, žitek moj končan je že…
Jože Smej, 1976: Muza Miklóša Küzmiča. Murska Sobota: Pomurska založba, 36–37 / English translation: 2021 by Keith L. Moore for ASTRUM Music Publications
El My Moj AR
El My Moj AR
Votre mémoire et leur unique (seule) sépulture. Votre mémoire et leur unique (seule) sépulture: to je napis na steklu v parkih v tistih delih Pariza, odkoder so židovske otroke iz šol odpeljali neposredno v uničevalna taborišča. Redko katera stvar gane tako kot ta napis.  twitter: Boštjan M. Turk Votre mémoire et leur seul sépulture: Vaš spomin je njihov edini grob. M ARC / / Be: Mo / Mk 1j / Mw 26