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Cherubic Hymn / Херувимскaя пeснь [Heruvimskaya pesn'] - SATB div

Cherubic Hymn / Херувимскaя пeснь [Heruvimskaya pesn'] - SATB div
Cherubic Hymn / Херувимскaя пeснь [Heruvimskaya pesn'] - SATB div
Cherubic Hymn / Херувимскaя пeснь [Heruvimskaya pesn'] - SATB div
Cherubic Hymn / Херувимскaя пeснь [Heruvimskaya pesn'] - SATB div
Cherubic Hymn / Херувимскaя пeснь [Heruvimskaya pesn'] - SATB div
Cherubic Hymn / Херувимскaя пeснь [Heruvimskaya pesn'] - SATB div
Tags: MLAKAR Klara , sacred ,
Cherubic Hymn / Херувимскaя пeснь [Heruvimskaya pesn'] - SATB div
Subtitles & Versions
Incipit: Izhe kheruvimy tayno obrazuyushche ...
Composer / Arranger: MLAKAR Klara
Text Source (Author): Liturgical / Worshiping Text [non-Catholic]
Detailed Scoring: for mixed choir (SATBdiv) unaccompanied
Dedication: To Ambrož Čopi and to my dear Chamber choir of the Conservatory of music and ballet Ljubljana, where I've sung since 2016
First Performance: June 30, 2021; Dvorana Lucijana Marije Škerjanca / The Lucijan Marija Škerjanc Hall; KGBL, Ljubljana, Slovenia; The Chamber Choir of the Ljubljana Conservatory for Music and Ballet, Slovenia; Ambrož Čopi, conductor
Product Type: Choral Score
Ex Tax: 2.38€
20 or more 2.50€
25 or more 2.38€
50 or more 2.27€
  • Model: AS 34.192/10
  • Weight: 35.15g
  • ISMN: M 979-0-709069-60-6
This product has a minimum quantity of 20