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Liturgical / Worshiping Text [Catholic]

Liturgical  / Worshiping Text [Catholic]

"A public service, duty, or work. In Scripture it refers to the religious duties to be performed by priests and levites in the Temple, especially those related to the Sacrifice; in Christian use among the Eastern Churches it means the Eucharistic Sacrifice.

In present day usage liturgy is the official public worship of the Church and is thus distinguished from private devotion. It is the special title of the Eucharist, and the administration of the sacraments with the annexed use of the sacramentals."


Author: BEC Tine
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Author: MOČNIK Damijan
VIEW and HEAR YouTube (Sheet Music + Sound), entire cantata VIEW Perusal PDF (Full Score) Perusal PDF (Choral Score) Perusal PDF (Percussion Part) ..
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VIEW and HEAR (Sheet Music + Sound) /  YouTube Recording (Full Score) ..
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Author: ČOPI Ambrož
VIEW and HEAR (Sheet Music + Sound) /  YouTube Recording (Full Score) ..
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Author: BEC Tine
VIEW and HEAR (Sheet Music + Sound) /  YouTube Recording (Full Score) ..
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Author: MAKOR Andrej
VIEW and HEAR YouTube (Sheet Music + Sound) VIEW Perusal PDF ADDITIONAL Facebook link Web link /  ..
Ex Tax:1.43€
Showing 157 to 162 of 162 (14 Pages)