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NOTNA MAPA ZA ŠOLSKE ZBORE (# 99) - (Teacher's magazine) - in preparation

NOTNA MAPA ZA ŠOLSKE ZBORE (# 99) - (Teacher's magazine) - in preparation
Composer / Arranger: various composers
Text Author: various poets
Detailed Scoring: one to four part compositions (also divisi) for high voices, a cappella and accompanied
Series, Collection: NOTNA MAPA ZA ŠOLSKE ZBORE [Music Folder for School Choirs]
Product Type: Serial Publication
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NOTNA MAPA ZA ŠOLSKE ZBORE (Music Folder for School Choirs) # 99

The magazine is published four times a year and is published in Slovene language. The first issue was published in the 1997/1998 school year and the magazine is currently (as of 2019) in its 22nd year of publishing.

CONTENTS - Issue 99 (AS 02.099/99):
Kdo pa tisti so štorkljači (Who Are Those Storking-Men?)
music by Egi Gašperšič, text in Slovene by Oton Župančič
for children's choir with piano accompaniment
Kolina (Blood Sausage)
music by Egi Gašperšič, text in Slovene by Fran Levstik
for children's choir with piano accompaniment
Ave Maria (Hail Mary)
music by Théodore Dubois, text in Latin: antiphon for vespers
in E-flat
for one-part voice(s) with accompaniment
Naš mucek Tomi (Our Kitten Tomi)
text and music by Marijan Dović
for unison (children's choir) with piano accompaniment
Po jezeru (bliz' Triglava) (Along the Lake near Mt. Triglav)
popularized art song, (but) music and lyrics in Slovene by: Miroslav Vilhar
for two voices (SA) unaccompanied
Dom (Home)
music by Franco Ezequiel Páez, lyrics in Slovene by Zvezdana Majhen
for two parts (SA) and piano accompaniment
Spring / Pomlad
Spring the Warrior Hither Comes / Pride naj pomlad nazaj
music by Gustav Holst,
lyrics by: Kalidasa, from (Vedic) Sanskrit: Gustav Holst
translation into Slovenian by Marija Jesenovec
for high three-part (SSA) high voices with accompaniment (piano or harp)
Nekaj ti moram povedati (I Have to Tell You Something)
music by Tilen Slakan, lyrics in Slovene ba Jakob Barbo
for equal high voices (SSAA) unaccompanied
Kje so moje rožice (Where are my flowers?)
popularized art song, (but) lyrics in Slovene by: Valentin Orožen
arranged by Pavel Kozina
for equal high voices (SAA) unaccompanied
PURPOSEPublishing choir literature for the second and third triads of elementary school and high school (gymnasium, middle-school) youth choirs.
Publishing a more demanding one to four voiced compositions (also divisi) for high voices, a cappella and accompanied.
PUBLISHERASTRUM d.o.o., glasbena založba / ASTRUM Music Publications, Cankarjeva 7, SI-4290 Tržič, SLOVENIA.
P: +386 (04) 59 25 800 ·  F: +386 (04) 59 25 801 ·  E:  ·  W:
EDITOR IN CHIEFVito PrimožičMusic Editor, ASTRUM Music Publications

Ex Tax: 18.05€
  • Model: AS 02.099/99
  • Weight: 120.00g
  • ISBN: 1408-6425 [99]