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ČOPI Ambrož

ČOPI Ambrož

Ambrož Čopi (1973) studied composition with Dane Škerl and Uroš Roko at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana. He was awarded The Young Musician Award (1995), and the Prešeren Prize of the University of Ljubljana (1997), for the outstanding achievements during his study.

He first gained knowledge of vocal music and conducting as an assistant of the conductor Stojan Kuret. He led several Slovenian choirs: Chamber Choir Nova Gorica, Mixed Choir Obala, University of Primorska Academic Choir, KGBL Chamber Choir, etc. With them, he achieved fifteen golden plaquettes at various national competitions, and twenty six first places, as well as several golden plaquettes at competitions, held abroad. He performed as a finalist at the European Grand Prix in Choral Singing in Tours (France, 2009) with theUniversity of Primorska Academic Choir.

In 2014 he was awarded the Gallus Medal, the highest award in the field of musical activity at a national level in Slovenia. In 2016 he received Škerjanc recognition given by the Conservatory of Music and Ballet Ljubljana for outstanding artistic achievements and a prestigious national award Preseren Fund Prize. His compositions are presented in four CDs containing only Čopi's compositions, i.e. Lirični akvareli (Academic choir Tone Tomšič, Stojan Kuret), So ptičice še snivale (ČarniCe, Stojan Kuret), Praeparate corda vestra (Ave Chamber Choir, Ambrož Čopi), Sanjam (Slovenian Chamber Choir, Martina Batič). His compositions are published by Astrum and Sulasol.
Ambrož Čopi is a teacher at the Art High School in Koper, Conservatory of Music and Ballet Ljubljana and, Associate professor at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana. He is regularly invited to act as amember of the jury at various choral events and competitions, and is often involved in choral music seminars at home and abroad as a lecturer.

Selected Works (2015)
A Catalogue of Works (2013), In Slovene

Ambrož Čopi improvising on themes for his Missa spei (Mass of Hope) (November 2021)

Ambrož Čopi, 50. years:  "...and I am Full of Honey..." (Branka Kljun, SIGIC, III.2023


Franc Križnar: "Četrti od štirih koncertov ciklusa KUD KDO Sacrum convivium v ljubljanski stolnici / The fourth of the four concerts of the KUD KDO Sacrum convivium cycle in the Ljubljana Cathedral" (access: 230108; )

Komorni zbor KGBL z dirigentom Ambrožem Čopijem / KGBL Chamber Choir with conductor Ambrož Čopi

in translation: "The crowning figure of this evening was certainly our A. Čopi, who so far (since 2010 → leads this choir) has taken the aforementioned vocal ensemble of different generations to many concert and competition stages at home and around the world. With this choir and with other the composing-, conductors- and pedagogic- "school" he has earned himself a leading name of this kind in our country. Čopi is becoming a phenomenon of this kind for choral creativity and production in our country, and certainly one of the leading musical grandmasters of this kind; far beyond the fence of the conservatory level of music education and in this case also our conservatorium (KGBL)."

Author: ČOPI Ambrož
VIEW and HEAR YouTube (Live performance), entire mass, Piano Accompaniment Version YouTube (Sheet-music + Sound), entire mass, Jazz Trio Version VIEW Perusal PDF (Vocal Score)..
Ex Tax:6.62€
Author: ČOPI Ambrož
VIEW and HEAR YouTube (Live performance), entire mass, Piano Accompaniment Version YouTube (Sheet-music + Sound), entire mass, Jazz Trio Version VIEW Perusal PDF (Vocal Score)..
Ex Tax:3.76€
Author: ČOPI Ambrož
VIEW and HEAR YouTube (Live performance), entire mass, Piano Accompaniment Version YouTube (Sheet-music + Sound), entire mass, Jazz Trio Version VIEW Perusal PDF (Vocal Score)..
Ex Tax:5.67€
Author: ČOPI Ambrož
VIEW and HEAR YouTube (Live performance), entire mass, Piano Accompaniment Version YouTube (Sheet-music + Sound), entire mass, Jazz Trio Version VIEW Perusal PDF (Vocal Score)..
Ex Tax:28.52€
Author: ČOPI Ambrož
VIEW and HEAR YouTube (Live performance), entire mass, Piano Accompaniment Version YouTube (Sheet-music + Sound), entire mass, Jazz Trio Version VIEW Perusal PDF (Vocal Score)..
Ex Tax:38.05€
Author: ČOPI Ambrož
VIEW and HEAR YouTube (Live performance), entire mass, Piano Accompaniment Version YouTube (Sheet-music + Sound), entire mass, Jazz Trio Version VIEW Perusal PDF (Vocal Score)..
Ex Tax:5.67€
MISSA PRO PACE (TTBB) - Choral Score MISSA PRO PACE (TTBB) - Choral Score
Author: ČOPI Ambrož
VIEW and HEAR YouTube (Sheet Music + Sound) YouTube (Live Performance) - with accordeon VIEW Perusal PDF ADDITIONAL ..
Ex Tax:2.38€
Author: ČOPI Ambrož
VIEW and HEAR YouTube (Sheet Music + Sound) YouTube (Live Performance) - with accordeon VIEW Perusal PDF ADDITIONAL ..
Ex Tax:38.05€
Author: ČOPI Ambrož
VIEW and HEAR YouTube (Sheet Music + Sound) YouTube (Live Performance) - with accordeon VIEW Perusal PDF ADDITIONAL ..
Ex Tax:76.10€
Author: ČOPI Ambrož
VIEW and HEAR YouTube (Sheet Music + Sound) YouTube (Live Performance) - with accordeon VIEW Perusal PDF ADDITIONAL ..
Ex Tax:17.10€
Author: ČOPI Ambrož
VIEW AND HEAR (Sheet-music + Sound) YouTube - see also links with individual titles of the collection below ..
Ex Tax:0.67€
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