Index of Selected Musical Forms
Marian antiphons are a group of hymns in the Gregorian chant repertory of the Catholic Church, sung in honor of the Virgin Mary.
Four Marian Antiphons:
Alma Redemptoris Mater (Advent through February 2)Ave Regina caelorum (Presentation of the Lord through Wednesday in Holy Week)
Regina caeli (Easter season)
Salve Regina (from first Vespers of Trinity Sunday until None of the Saturday before Advent)
Other Marian (Votive) Antiphons (a selection):
Ave cujus conceptioAve Dei Patris filia
Ave Maria, gratia plena
Ave Regina … mater
Ave virgo sanctissima
Ave, stella matutina
Beata Dei genitrix
Gaude Dei genitrix
Gaude virgo
Gaude virgo Cristiphera
Haec est
Ista est
Maria plena virtute pietatis gratiae
Mater patris
Nativitas gloriosae Virginis Mariae (for the feast of the Nativity of the BVM)
Nigra sum
Quam dilecta
Salve intemerata virgo
Salve, Jesu mater vera
Sub Tuum praesidium (outside of Eastertide)
Tota pulchra
Vox patris coelestis
The sequence, as its name suggests, originated as a processional hymn sung in the mass after the Gospel Alleluia. Sequences (liturgical use):
Dies irae (All Souls’ Day and Requiem Masses)Lauda Sion (octave of Corpus Christi)
Stabat mater (feast of the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady)
Victimae paschali (octave of Easter),
Veni Sancte Spiritus (octave of Pentecost)
Other sequences / sequence hymns (a selection):
Adeste fideles (Christmas carol)Ave maris stella (Marian hymn)
Ave, præclara maris stella
Congaudent angelorum (for the Assumption of the BVM)
Gaude, virgo mater Christi (Marian hymn)
Jubilemus omnes una (Advent IV)
Lætabundus, exultet fidelis chorus (for Christmas)
Laus tibi Christe
Media vita in morte sumus
Mittit ad virginem (Annuntiation BMV)
Mundi renovatio nova parit gaudia (Easter)
Nato canunt omnia (Christmas)
O Ecclesia, oculi tui similes saphiro sunt (Hildegard von Bingen)
Omnes Sancti Seraphim, Cherubim, Throni quoque (for The Feast of All Saints)
Pange lingua gloriosi corporis mysterium (for the Feast of Corpus Christi & Maundy Thursday)
Piae vocis laudes canta (Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
Praeter rerum seriem [ach, du herzliebes Jesulein] (for the first Mass of Christmas "in nocte")
Qui procedis ab utroque
Res est admirabilis
Rex regum deus noster
Salus æterna, indeficiens mundi vita (Advent)
Sancti Spiritus adsit nobis gratia (for Pentecost)
Sonent regi nato nova cantica (for Christmas)
Summi triumphum Regis prosequamur laude (Feast of the Ascension of Jesus Christ)
Verbum bonum et suave (De Beata Virgine sequentia)