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Drai brauen [Three Women]

Drai brauen [Three Women]
Subtitles & Versions
Incipit: 'S ghinghet au drai brauen ...
Composer / Arranger: BONATO Giovanni
Text Details: Text in Cimbrian language: "Maria de biil tzarte", antica preghiera cimbra dell'Altopiano di Asiago / ancient Cimbrian prayer of the Asiago plateau (Asiago (VI)), Italy
Text Source (Author): Folk Songs – Cimbrian language (Italy)
Detailed Scoring: for women's choir (SSSAAA), low-sounding drum & jingle bells with whirly tube
Date (and place) composed: Tretto (Italy), 15.I.2012
Dedication: a Jose Borgo e al suo Ensemble La Rose con ammirazione / To Jose Borgo and his Ensemble La Rose with admiration
First Performance: (Female choir) Ensemble La Rose Piovene, Rocchette (VI) Italy / Mrs. Jose Borgo, conductor; May 26, 2012 at occasion of the 46th National Choral competition in Vittorio Veneto (Treviso, Italy), commissioned to Mr Bonato for this special occasion. In this competition Ensemble La Rose Piovene with conductor Jose Borgo won the 1st prize in the polyphonic repertoire and the “Efrem Casagrande” award, resulting being the best choir among the winning choruses of the other categories of the competition
Duration: 5:30
Product Type: Chorus Part
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Maria infinitamente dolce,
è come un giardino di rose,
che Dio ha riempito di grazia
con la sua santa maestà.

Maria infinitamente dolente
Lei ha una grande sofferenza
e il nostro Signore Gesù Cristo
per tutto il mondo si è sacrificato.

Andarono tre donne,
volevano vedere il sepolcro
per trovare il Signore Gesù Cristo
che è il Salvatore di tutto il mondo.

Andarono tutte presto
e incontrarono Maria.
Cristo è risorto veramente,
Egli è il liberatore del mondo.

antica preghiera cimbra dell'Altopiano di Asiago, traduzione italiana di Giovanni Bonato


Maria de biil tzarte,
se ist an rosengarte,
un en Gott selbor hat gatziart
met sainar hooghen majestat.

Maria de biil raine,
se hatte grosse paine
un ünsarn Heere Jesum Christ,
bon allar belt an tröstar ist.

'S ghinghet au drai brauen
se böllent 's grap boschaugan,
tzo süshan Heere Jesum Christ,
bon allar belt an hölfar ist.

Se ghinghent allar vrüghe
un khèerten met dar Meere
dass Christ arstannet bäre,
bon allar belt an braitar ist.

antica preghiera cimbra dell'Altopiano di Asiago / ancient Cimbrian prayer of the Asiago plateau


[Virgin] Mary, infinitely mild,
she's like a rose garden
that God has filled with gracefulness
[and] with his holy magnificence.

[Virgin] Mary, infinitely mournful,
she has great misery
and our Lord Jesus Christ
for the whole world he sacrificed himself.

Three women went,
they wanted to see the burial chamber
to find the Lord Jesus Christ
who is the Redeemer of the whole world.

[Three women] They all went early
and they met [Virgin] Mary.
Christ has truly risen,
He is the Saviour of the world.

ancient Cimbrian prayer of the Asiago plateau, English translation by Keith L. Moore

Ex Tax: 2.38€
20 or more 2.50€
25 or more 2.38€
50 or more 2.27€
  • Model: AS 34.159/12
  • Weight: 35.00g
  • ISMN: M 979-0-709061-10-5
This product has a minimum quantity of 20