PASSIO DOMINI NOSTRI IESU CHRISTI SECUNDUM IOANNEM - Symphonic Orchestra Version (Full Score - Study Score in C)

PASSIO DOMINI NOSTRI IESU CHRISTI SECUNDUM IOANNEM - Symphonic Orchestra Version (Full Score - Study Score in C)
Subtitles & Versions | |
Consisting of: | I. In principio erat Verbum / II. Festum Pashae / III. Gethsemani / IV. Petrus / V. Pilatus / VI. Amor in aeternum |
Music | |
Composer / Arranger: | MOČNIK Damijan |
Text | |
Text Author: | Biblical |
Scoring | |
Detailed Scoring: | for soloists, mixed choir, organ and symphonic orchestra |
Instrumentation Index: | INSTRUMENTATION: Flute I & II / Oboe I & II / Clarinet I & II in Bb / Bassoon I & II / Horn I-IV in F / Trumpet I-III in C / Tenor Trombone I & II / Bass Trombone / Tuba / Organ / Timpani [+ Wood Block] / Percussion I [Claves, Glockenspiel, 4 Suspended Cymbals, 5 Tom-toms (cola mano, hard stick, very soft sticks), Whip] / Percussion II [Crotales, Darbukas, Marimba, 5 Temple Blocks, Wind Chimes] / Percussion III [Crotales (ord., arco), Suspended Cymbal, Orchestral Bells, 5 Temple Blocks, Tenor Drum, Vibraphone (con / senza motore / arco)] / Percussion IV [Bass Drum, Suspended Cymbal, Tam-tam (with claves, wooden mallet, soft bass drum stick), Triangle, Tubular Bells] / Violin I / Violin II /Viola / Violoncello / Double Bass (at least one Double Bass with the low C extension) / Mixed Choir [SATB div.] VOCAL SOLOISTS: Historicus - Soprano Solo [c1-bb2] / Angelus - Soprano Solo [d1-b2] / Pilatus - Tenor Solo [f-a1] / IESUS - Bass Solo [G-a1] MINOR-ROLE VOCAL SOLOISTS: Ancilla - Soprano Solo [bb1-g2] (same soprano soloist as Angelus or from the choir) / Discipulis - Tenor Solo [ab-g1] (same tenor soloist as Pilatus or from the choir) / Petrus - Tenor Solo [ab-g1] (same tenor soloist as Pilatus or from the choir) / Servus / Centurio - Baritone Solo [g-db1] (from the choir) |
Other | |
Product Type: | Study Score |
VIEW and HEAR | |
YouTube (Sheet Music + Sound) - will be published when available | |
VIEW | |
Full Score - Study Score in C | |
Facebook link | |
Web link | |
for soloists, mixed choir, organ and symphonic orchestra | ||
I. | In principio erat Verbum | |
II. | Festum Pashae | |
III. | Gethsemani | |
IV. | Petrus | |
V. | Pilatus | |
VI. | Amor in aeternum CD KRITIKE / CD REVIEWS: erschienen in: das Orchester 9/2023 , Seite 68 "Verlässt den Hörer doch während der 60-minütigen, in Engelsgesang eingefassten Erzählmomente, dramatischen Szenen und kontemplativen Inseln die gespannte Aufmerksamkeit nicht einen Augenblick." / Med 60 minutami pripovednih trenutkov, dramatičnih prizorov in kontemplativnih otokov, uokvirjenih v angelsko pesem, poslušalčeva vznemirjena pozornost niti za trenutek ne zapusti poslušalca. / During the 60 minutes of narrative moments, dramatic scenes and contemplative islands framed in angelic song, the listener's rapt attention never leaves the listener for a moment. "To offer a St. John's Passion in the face of the examples by Bach and Schütz takes nerve, but Močnik's work can stand on its own. He combines a melodic idiom rooted in the medieval era, especially in Gregorian chant, with an operatic dynamic. The setting is stark and monumental, even in the reduced setting." / Ponudba Janezovega pasijona ob zgledih Bacha in Schütza zahteva pogum, a Močnikovo delo lahko stoji samostojno. Združuje melodični idiom, ki ima korenine v srednjem veku, zlasti v gregorijanskem koralu, z operno dinamiko. Uglasbitev je ostra in monumentalna, tudi v pomanjšani postavitvi (orkestra). | |
Ex Tax: 47.57€
- Model: AS 34.196/02
- Weight: 460.00g
- ISMN: M 979-0-709071-59-3