GLASBENI VRTILJAK (# 15) - (Teacher's magazine)

GLASBENI VRTILJAK (# 15) - (Teacher's magazine)
Music | |
Composer / Arranger: | various composers |
Text | |
Text Author: | various poets |
Scoring | |
Detailed Scoring: | for children choir with piano accompaniment |
Composition | |
Series, Collection: | GLASBENI VRTILJAK [The Music Carousel] |
Other | |
Product Type: | Periodical |
As a rule, GLASBENI VRTILJAK (The Music Carousel) magazine is published (up to) four times a year. The first issue came out in November 2015.
CONTENTS - Issue No. 15 (AS 19.015) | |
Reka (The River) music: Tine Bec lyrics: Tomaž Vrabič for children's choir with piano accompaniment | |
Fum, fum, fum (V petindvajsetem decembru) Catalan folk-song (carol) [FUM, FUM, FUM (A VINTICINC DE DESEMBRE)] arranged by: Tomaž Pirnat Slovene translation by: Vito Primožič for voice with piano accompaniment | |
Ogenj (The Fire) (Ogenj sem zakuril v peči) music by: Anton J. Kropivšek lyrics by: Neža Maurer for children's choir with piano accompaniment | |
Betlehemska zvezda (Star of Bethlehem) [GLÄNS ÖVER SJÖ OCH STRAND / BETLEHEMS STJÄRNA] music by: Alice Tegner / lyrics in Swedish by: Viktor Rydberg / Slovene translation by: Vito Primožič for voice with piano accompaniment | |
Pozimi (In Winter's Time) music by: Franco E. Páez / lyrics by: Fran(čišek) Ločniškar for children's choir with piano accompaniment | |
Zima (The Winter) music by: Uršula Jašovec / lyrics by: Lojzka Špacapan for children's choir with piano accompaniment | |
Le krog drevesa zaplešimo [HERE WE GO ROUND THE MULBERRY BUSH / SÅ GÅ VI RUNT OM ETT ENERISSNÅR] Srnica (Bambi) lyrics & music by: Janez Bitenc; for children's choir with piano accompaniment | |
PURPOSE: Publishing compositions of choral literature for kindergartens and first grades of primary schools, in principle with instrumental accompaniment (piano and guitar chords written over the singing line). | |
PUBLISHER: ASTRUM d.o.o., glasbena založba, (ASTRUM Music Publications) Cankarjeva 7, SI-4290 Tržič, SLOVENIA-EUROPE. T: +386.4.59 25 800 · F: +386.4.59 25 801 · E: · W: | |
Ex Tax: 18.05€
- Model: AS 19.015
- Weight: 109.00g
- ISMN: M 979-709071-37-1