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Subtitles & Versions
Subtitle: music-educational work for children
Consisting of: INDEX OF SONGS: 1. Introduction / Uvod (choir) 2. Music Staff / Notno Črtovje (choir) 3. Treble Clef / Violinski Ključ (choir and solo) 4. Princess Minim / Princeska Polovinka (choir and solo) 5. Queen Fermata / Kraljica Korona (choir) 6. Whole Note / Celinka (choir and solo) 7. Servants, the Top Ones / Služabniki ena A (choir and soli) 8. Tempo (choir and solo) 9. Curious Pauses / Radovedne Pavze (choir) 10. Dynamics / Dinamika (choir) 11. Tonality / Tonaliteta (choir) 12. C-major Scale / Lestvica C-dur (scale notes or choir) 13. Goodbye / Nasvidenje (choir)
Composer / Arranger: VULC Tadeja
Text Author: VULC Tadeja
Detailed Scoring: a version for soloists and three-part children's or youth choir with piano and percussion (2 percussionists) accompaniment
Instrumentation Index: PERCUSSION INSTRUMENTS USED: suspended cymbals, pedal cymbals [Hi-Hat], pedal cymbals [open, closed], rhythm cymbals, tom-tom 1, tom-tom 2, small drum, pedal cymbals [with foot]. pedal drum / BONGOS: small [macho], large [hembra], standing bongo / Guiro, Egg Shaker, Cláves [Sticks], Small Drum [Snare Drum], Marákas, Tambourine, Triangle / Vibraphone [or Glockenspiel] , Timpani [or bongos, if you manage to "tune" them in]
Speaking Parts: 11 (eleven): Mrs. Attacca / GOSPA ATTACCA, Syncope King / KRALJ SINKOPA, Choir / ZBOR, Considerate Quaver / PREUDARNA OSMINKA, Curious Rest / RADOVEDNA PAVZA, Miss Tonality / GOSPA TONALITETA, Three Servants / TRIJE SLUŽABNIKI (Sharp / VIŠAJ, Flat / NIŽAJ, Natural / RAZVEZAJ), C-Note / NOTA C, Small Notes / MAJHNE NOTICE
Singing Parts: 19 (nineteen): Choir / ZBOR (No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13), Treble Clef / VIOLINSKI KLJUČ (No. 3), Princess Minim / PRINCESKA POLOVINKA (No. 4), Whole Note / CELINKA (No. 6), Three Servants / TRIJE SLUŽABNIKI (Sharp / VIŠAJ, Flat / NIŽAJ, Natural / RAZVEZAJ) - No. 7, TEMPO (št. 8), Curious Rests / RADOVEDNE PAVZE (tercet) - No. 9, C-major Scale / LESTVICA C – DUR (8 soli) - No. 12
Availability: Any additional woodwind, brass, percussion or other part from any work in our catalog may be purchased separately, after a complete (full) Set of parts has been purcased.
Licence: If you are planning to stage a musical in whole in public, at the concert, or to record the performance, you need to apply to ASTRUM Music Publications ( / Re: Yearly Licence) and purchase a YEARLY PERFORMING LICENCE - valid for 12 months from on a calendar year basis. A competent performing rights society is collecting royalties for the individual performances (songs, excerpts, etc.) of the musical.
Set of Parts includes the following: This INSTRUMENTAL PARTS SET (AS 2.626/19) contains the following instrumental parts: Percussion Part [2 percussionists] (AS 2.626/1982) 2x - saddle stiched scores 2x - single sided A4 prints (for taping together - so that it folds like an accordions) Piano Part (AS 2.626/1991) 1x - saddle stiched score 1x - single sided A4 prints (for taping together - so that it folds like an accordions) Any additional woodwind, brass, percussion or other part from any work in our catalog may be purchased separately, after a complete (full) Set of parts has been purcased.
Synopsis: The stage represents the central hall of the Kingdom of Music, where the entire performance takes place. Mrs. Attacca (the elderly lady) initially invites the children to the Kingdom of Music. During the narration, she walks among the audience towards the stage, where they are met by the Syncope King himself, who opens the door to the Kingdom with the help of the Treble Clef goalkeeper. During the songs themselves, Considerate Quaver and her Curious Rest ask the children about musical signs, and find out if they already know anything and how much. With the correct answer, the children secure the next song, with the help of which the Kingdom of Music is also presented to the children.
Duration: 38 minutes [approx.]
Remark: At the same time, this vocal score is used as a full score when the composition is performed with piano and percussion accompaniment only.
Editor: PRIMOŽIČ Vito
Product Type: Full Score
YouTube (Sheet Music + Sound) - a Complete musical
Score - Ensemble (AS 2.626/06) - Perusal PDF       Info
Choral Score (AS 2.626/12) - Perusal PDF       Info
Instrumental Parts Set (AS 2.626/19) - Perusal PDF       Info
Percussion (AS 2.626/1982) - Perusal PDF        Info
Piano (AS 2.626/1991) - Perusal PDF        Info
Libretto (AS 2.626/98) - Perusal PDF       Info
Annual Performing Licence (AS 2.626/88)       Info
CONNECTED EDITIONS: INSTRUMENTAL PARTS SET - piano and percussion accompaniment
Ta INSTRUMENTAL PARTS SET (AS 2.626/19) contains the following instrumental parts:
Percussion Part [2 percussionists] (AS 2.626/1982)
  • 2x - saddle stiched scores
  • 2x - single sided A4 prints (for taping together - so that it folds like an accordions)
  • Piano (AS 2.626/1991)
  • 1x - saddle stiched score
  • 1x - single sided A4 prints (for taping together - so that it folds like an accordions)
  • Any additional woodwind, brass, percussion or other part from any work in our catalog may be purchased separately, after a complete (full) Set of parts has been purchased.
    1. Introduction / Uvod (choir)
    2. Music Staff / Notno Črtovje (choir)
    3. Treble Clef / Violinski Ključ (choir and solo)
    4. Princess Minim / Princeska Polovinka (choir and solo)
    5. Queen Fermata / Kraljica Korona (choir)
    6. Whole Note / Celinka (choir and solo)
    7. Servants, the Top Ones / Služabniki ena A (choir and soloists)
    8. Tempo (choir and solo)
    9. Curious Rests (Pauses) / Radovedne Pavze (choir)
    10. Dynamics / Dinamika (choir)
    11. Tonality / Tonaliteta (choir)
    12. C-major Scale / Lestvica C-dur (Scale Notes or choir)
    13. Goodbye / Nasvidenje (choir)
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    Ex Tax: 23.76€
    • Model: AS 2.626/06
    • Weight: 335.00g
    • ISMN: M 979-0-709029-54-9