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POEM (ПОЕМ) - Choral Edition

POEM (ПОЕМ) - Choral Edition
POEM (ПОЕМ) - Choral Edition
POEM (ПОЕМ) - Choral Edition
POEM (ПОЕМ) - Choral Edition
POEM (ПОЕМ) - Choral Edition
POEM (ПОЕМ) - Choral Edition
POEM (ПОЕМ) - Choral Edition
POEM (ПОЕМ) - Choral Edition
POEM (ПОЕМ) - Choral Edition
POEM (ПОЕМ) - Choral Edition
POEM (ПОЕМ) - Choral Edition
Subtitles & Versions
Subtitle: a cycle of three Orthodox compositions for mixed choir (SATBdiv) a cappella
Composer / Arranger: KASTELIC Matej
Text Author: Biblical
Text Details: Texts in Old Church Slavonic
Detailed Scoring: for (soprano solo and) mixed choir (SATBdiv) a cappella
Dedication: Dedicated to conductor Ambrož Čopi and Chamber choir KGBL, Slovenia
First Performance: A COMPLETE CYCLE PERFORMANCE: September 29, 2022, 8:30 p.m. - PLEČNIK in a-cappella, 4. koncert / 4th Concert / Cerkev sv. Cirila in Metoda / St. Cyrill and Methodius Church, Bežigrad-Ljubljana / Komorni zbor Konservatorija za glasbo in balet Ljubljana / The Chamber Choir of the Ljubljana Conservatory for Music and Ballet, Slovenia / Ambrož Čopi, dirigent / conductor
Cycle / Collection - containing: I. Tebe poem / II. Khvalite imya Gospodne / III. Otche nash - all available in separate editions or together (all three in a Choral Score, AS 34.199/09)
Product Type: Choral Score

VIEW AND HEAR (Sheet-music + Sound)
Listen to individual recordings in the list (under "Contents") of individual prints!
Collection (AS 34.199/10) - Promotional PDF
Choral Score of the entire cycle, all 3 titles (AS 34.199/10) - Promotional PDF
1. Tebe poem (34.199/101)  -  PDF - YouTube (Sheet-music+Sound) YouTube (Live Performance)
2. Khvalite imya Gospodne (34.199/102)  -  PDF - YouTube (Sheet-music+Sound) - YouTube (Live Performance)
3. Otche nash (34.199/103)  -  PDF - YouTube (Sheet-music+Sound) YouTube (Live Performance)

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Ex Tax: 2.86€
20 or more 3.00€
25 or more 2.70€
50 or more 2.55€
  • Model: AS 34.199/09
  • Weight: 46.85g
  • ISMN: M 979-0-709072-20-0